Adult Beginning Hebrew:  taught by Susan Rees

The primary text for the class is: Aleph Isn't Tough: An Introduction to Hebrew for Adults, Book 1 ( which can be purchased directly from the publisher or other online booksellers. Text material is supplemented in class by reading from Tanach and Siddur.

The class meets on Saturdays at 12:45 p.m., following the end of Shabbat morning services and our weekly free community Shabbat lunch. We invite you to come for services and lunch and stay for Hebrew!

Continuing students have previously learned the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, final letters, the numerical values of each letter, and how to write them in script (cursive), New students are welcome to join.  For those totally unfamiliar with the Hebrew alphabet, there will be some catch up effort needed.

Please contact the instructor, Susan Rees, via the Temple Israel office <> if you would like further information.


Note: For a self-guided crash course in learning the letters of the Hebrew alphabet you might try utilizing these resources:

Posted on January 19, 2023 .